Manifesting Success
The idea of success does not have to be about ones work or business. I’m coming to realize that the concept of success can relate to any aspect of a person’s life and that we have the power to manifest that success. I’d not really thought about this before until I happened across a Facebook post from the Graham Norton Show with Jim Carey. Normally I’m not a huge Jim Carey fan but on this 3:42 minute segment which appeared January 28, 2020, he shared a story that really resonated with me.
His story was this, he said he is a huge visualizer/manifester and spent four years of his life visualizing what his life would be, wrote a check out to himself for ten million dollars for acting services rendered paid to the order of Jim Carey and postdated it Thanksgiving 1995 and stuck it in his wallet. Six months before that date came up, he was making $10,000,000 on a movie.
The point he was making, wasn’t about the money but that if you visualize something and really focus you will start to do things that lead you to achieving that success, be it making a certain amount of money (in his case), starting a business, changing your career, art focus etc… the key thing here is to have a vision, and then stay focused on achieving that vision. I am such a believer in this philosophy and have been for as long as I can remember, I just didn’t realize it at the time.
Since hearing Jim Carey’s story, I’ve been thinking more about the next chapter of my life and my vision for the future. Each choice I make be it consciously or subconsciously propels me toward this manifestation. The slow and steady steps I take in building my business, the new direction of my art, and the skills I acquire along the way are all leading to that singular manifestation that is the Palisade Posh story.